
Order of Worship

Call To Worship

Songs of Worship

Passing the Peace of Christ

Time of Prayer & Confession

Song of Response 

Scripture Reading
Mark 3:1-6

”Sign of the Sabbath”

Song of Worship




  1. Today after service is our Trunk or Treat event from 3-5pm outdoors for our community in Elmhurst. We will have carnival-like games for all young ages.

  2. We will have a choir again at our Christmas Eve service this year. The rehearsals will be 11/20, 12/04 and 12/18 10am-12:30pm right before service. If you are interested in joining the choir (all levels are welcome!), please contact Tabea @

  3. Today begins our Consistory Election Voting period.  This will continue on Sunday, 11/6 and end on Sunday, 11/13 by 3PM.  Ballots are to be dropped off in the mailbox inside the Fellowship Hall. All members in attendance today, please remain immediately after service and receive your ballot from English Congregation leaders.

  4. Masks are encouraged but no longer mandatory at Newtown Church worship services and gatherings. However, should ministry leaders determine that masks should be worn during a small group or other meeting, please respect that request. Please refrain from attending in-person should you have any symptoms of illness. Also, please continue to inform the deacons at if you attended Sunday worship service in person and subsequently test positive for COVID-19.